SLCCC Online Child Care Needs Survey




The St. Lawrence Child Care Council is gathering information to determine the child care needs in St. Lawrence County. We would appreciate if you would please take a moment and complete this questionnaire. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential.
1. What city/town/village do you live and work in?
2. How many children live in your household? Place the number of children in space to right of their age.
3. For children ages birth to 13, what child care settings are they currently in? Check all that apply.
4. What type of care do you need available for your child(ren)? Check all that apply.
5. What days do you need child care? Check all that apply.
7. If you were unable to find the child care you needed, please indicate the reason by checking all that apply.
9. How do you currently pay for child care?
Validation Code